Saturday, December 25, 2010


Merry Christmas. Happy Birthday Lord Jesus!

Had a family and relatives gathering BBQ. Quite an epic BBQ where the rain suddenly poured and all of us were holding mat covers up to cover the BBQ pit area while preventing everyone from getting drenched.
But what matters was everyone there was happy and that is all that matters.

I don't know a lot of complicated things in this world and relationships. But I know one thing for sure is that I like you a lot.
I promise to try my very best to give you the best sense of security and try my very best to make you happy so that I can see that smile on your face every time.
I'll be very honest with you. I have never done this before and maybe slow to certain things. I hope you can be patient and understanding.

It took me a lot of thinking and courage before I decided on what I did today. But I will not have any regrets now that I have said it out.

If you feel the same and are willing to allow me to be there for you.
I will be waiting for your reply.

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