Wednesday, July 28, 2010

New influence in my life. John frusciante. Fav guitarist of all time. That's what i call talent.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Pass few days has been fucking awesome. Skipped school on Friday as it's fucked up as usual. Wonder how I will do for this semester, but just had to let some fucking steam off. Music really does wonders, thanks to you my bro Joshua.

Look for help, people give it to you with sincerity. People ask you for your motherfucking help, show some motherfucking sincerity if not fuck off. True friends don't motherfucking look for each when help is needed bitch. Every fucking action affect me I wonder why uh.. Maybe I should not bother so much next time as it ain't worth my time.

That's about it for someone who caused me misery in my life for some time.

Someone meaningful
Ever since I lost you as a friend or something more(if it meant something to you), I lost it seriously.  A simple message would really help to save my soul. It feels nice to see you and it would be nice to hear from you again.